At Yourney we have been studying the science of happiness for 10 years. Our goal is to provide material and tools so that in a very pragmatic way we can identify new sources of happiness in our lives. The goal is to be happier. For this we have certified ourselves as a "happiness coach", a discipline that takes knowledge as a base and turns it into an accompaniment for people who want to improve their levels of well-being. We offer that accompaniment to broaden and improve the perspective of life, to discover and release our potential.
Our logo reflects our vision that the most important journey is towards oneself, one is the main source of happiness.
“You are the journey: Yourney”.
That journey is not linear, nor does it have a fixed destination. Nor does it have a fixed route.
We can move in all the directions we want, the identity is as plastic as one wants. It can grow to and in many tours at once.
The goal is not that important. Reaching a goal can be a starting point for another journey.
We can be in many goals and in many trips at the same time.
The sources of happiness can be endless.